Sunday, September 17, 2006

Some New Pics

i'm done with the head as far as the fleece goes... sure i still have to do the jaw connections, but it looks good now... there are also a few details on the head (cheek points, teeth, *maybe eyebrows and skull cracks*)...

Then i get to tackle the detail of the body, and the cape; robe, whatever... i'm going to also try a bony fleece hand for rod arm operation... i'm working on it in my head as i go along

he's getting there... as you can see in the bottom pic, his jaw is going to move about, instead of being restricted to the head ... if i do end up doing some kind of show, or shows, with him, i might work on a "jaw dropper" skit where his jaw actually falls...

i'm out. hope you all had a good weekend,

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